Sunday 22 May 2016

Benicio's 2nd Birthday

Even Yehuda, Israel.

 I know it's cliche, but how time flies!  I swear just yesterday you were being born, but nope, you're TWO years old now.  We love you so much and you bring smiles and laughs to everyone every day.  Let's recap some of your favorite vocabulary words and current loves... Some of your most common words these days: "jump" (you love to jump from chairs or the couch into our arms), "chup" (ketchup, you love you some ketchup!), "gotcha" (this one started just the other day when you were chasing Lina around), "I tired" (You love walking with me to pick up Lina and Isandro from school, but sometimes we have to leave a bit early because you're constantly taking breaks, stopping and squating on the sidewalk to say, "I tired", but then you don't want to get in the wagon), "help", "I too!" (you want to be included in everything now), "yyyyuck!", "peeeese" (please), "dee doo" (thank you), "deee" (candy), and of course your siblings' names, "Sanjo" and "Nnnna".  You are car and truck obsessed, and love to get on ground level with your vehicles, and you ride the toy car at top speed more than Isandro ever did.  You love water play outside (at the kitchen sink too!), and you're a big fan of the beach.  There is a neighborhood cat here that loves to hang around our house here in Israel, and you are a pro at stomping at the cat, waving your hand at it, and scaring it away.  You recently started counting small groups of objects, "three four, three four...".  You're not a shy dancer, and your favorite songs are "Stitches" by Shawn Mendez and "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift.  Let's talk about something you HATE: haircuts!  You've gotten a few now, and it seems to be getting slightly more bearable each time, but you still voice your displeasure the entire time.  You eat like a bird most of the day until dinner time, and I've just learned to remind myself that you are very capable of knowing when you're hungry and you'll eat when it suits you.  You love "saur" (dinosaur) books, and when we look at them together, you turn the pages, point out a scary looking dinosaur and then gasp and bury your head into my armpit, pretending to be scared (you do this a handful of times, at least), usually followed by pulling up your shirt and saying, "chomp chomp" because you want me to bite your tummy like I'm a dinosaur.  You are a proficient scooter rider, gliding effortlessly across the floor.  You have your own style of hat wearing, pulling the brim down super low to where you can barely see, and you have to look waaaay up to get a good look at anything, but you insist on wearing it that way.  Whenever I try to guide you or tell you not to do something, you bark at me like a puppy and pant or lick me, showing me just how cute you are.  I sometimes wish the day would just get here where you're even more independent, but then I am reminded that it all goes by so fast and that it's important to just enjoy the moment.  We love you with all our hearts, Benicio.  Happy birthday!!!

Before your birthday party, sharing a granola bar with your sister.

Your cake.  Using the #2 candle from when Isandro turned two!

Play pool is set up and ready to go!

Even if we're only having a few friends over, I can't help but do some decorating.  Black and white is the theme. ;)

You're probably saying, "Gotcha!" as you attack your sister.

A sweet moment.

Take one.  Somebody's not happy.

Take two.  You're still pissed, but you're starting to get over it.

Alright!!!  Take three is the winner.  I think this may be one of my favorite family photos.

Can't resist the silly face pic.

Our friends are here, time for some water balloon fun!  

He's saying hi to the neighborhood cat, which the kids named Ginger.

He sees his daddy coming with the cake!

That face.  He is so excited!

I hope all your dreams and wishes come true!

This guy barely left a crumb.

My very best friend here, Jowanka.  I don't know what I'd do without her.

Little Liam and his dad Padraic.

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