Tuesday 21 March 2017

Exploring the Golan - Day 2

We started our day at Odem Deer Park.  The kids enjoyed petting bunnies, riding around in the golf cart, fun rides, and other kid activities!  Then we ate lunch at a delicious Druze restaurant that had yummy pita and hummus, and the best falafel we ever tasted in Israel.  It was called Al Sultan in the town of Masade.  Then our last adventure for the day was Nimrod Fortress in northern Israel.

She's in love... and now wants a pet bunny.

Well hello, white peacock!

This one was shakin' his tail feathers big time.

Isandro didn't want to hold a bunny, but he did enjoy petting it.

Lina ended up doing 7 laps in this pedal car and her tummy muscles were so sore the next couple days!

Nimrod Fortress:  It's a castle top, rock throwin' kind of day!  *Don't worry, Benicio was not actually about to jump to his death as it might appear in this photo.  :)

Yes he is sporting purple flowers in his hat.

Dada tying his shoe.

Lina the queen sitting on her throne.

Checking out the views below!

We've seen our fair share of castles when we lived in Ireland, but each one had its own uniqueness.  It had been a while since we had a castle fix, and Nimrod Fortress did not disappoint!  It was fun seeing the kids hop, skip, jump, and CLIMB throughout this castle. 

Very important task: collect all the nuts from the trees to make special nut soup. :)

Castle top blooms.

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