Monday, 20 March 2017

Exploring the Golan - Day 1

3-day weekend in Golan Heights, Israel...

Our first stop Friday was lunch!  A great restaurant called Marinado near the Sea of Galilee 

Benicio was loving all the fresh flowers outside the restaurant!

While Benicio was enjoying the flowers, as if there were no better place to be on earth at that moment, he reminded ME to slow down, to "stop and smell the roses", even if they're just some simple flowers in pots outside a restaurant.  This guy might "just" be two, but he is wise.  There is no moment more important than right now.  I love you, bud.  Keep keepin' me in check!

Yehudia Nature Reserve - Ayit Waterfall... I love unexpected surprises.  The park we were planning on checking out on Friday after lunch was about to close, and we couldn't yet check into our accomodation.  So we were just driving around and stumbled upon this beauty of a place.  It ended up being the perfect Friday!  

Springtime flower fix: CHECK! 

Nothing more fascinating than huge mounds of caterpillars!

I don't think I'd love our family photos as much if they were "perfect". ...goofy face, shy guy, and shark teeth.  Perfect to me!

"Hats off" to a great Friday!

Relaxing bath in a huge bathtub was a perfect ending to the day for this girl!

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