Tuesday 9 December 2014

Big boy potty time!

Isandro will be three in March, but I am not in the least bit pushing him to potty train.  And honestly, it's more work for me to be chasing after him all day telling him to sit on the potty chair every 5 minutes hoping he won't have an accident on one of the rugs in the house that isn't ours!  But one day, around the age of 2 years and 8 months, he said he was going poop, so I asked him if he wanted to take his diaper off and sit on the potty chair.  He was already by the potty chair getting going all on his own!  #1 and #2 on the potty.  VERY exciting days here in the Leon house!  Of course this was just an exciting adventure for a few days and then he has decided he likes going better in his diaper.  Oh well.  He'll get there eventually! :)

First time on the potty chair actually going to the bathroom!  Exciting stuff!

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