Monday, 29 December 2014

Benicio's Baby Led Weaning Adventures 6-7 months

I decided to go about starting solids differently than I did with Adelina and Isandro.  They were both introduced to "solids" through traditional weaning.  With Isandro I did make all of my own baby food, and with both of them we started with easy foods like avocado and banana.  This time I am skipping the traditional methods of spoon feeding and purees.  The first several months of BLW are mostly just playing around with the different shapes, tastes, and textures of REAL food in the form that we eat them as real people, not blended up in the same boring consistency like baby food.  Benicio thinks it's fun to slap his hand around on the tray and grab different foods.  He puts them to his mouth, but most of it ends up on the floor, which is okay since he should be getting almost all of his nutritional needs from his milk until the age of one anyway.  The book I read about baby led weaning mentioned not being afraid of a mess, especially for the first few months when baby is still learning how to manipulate food in his hands and explore this new world of the thing they call food.  It definitely is messy, but we're having fun with it!  

His first experience with food... steamed carrots, zucchini, and broccoli.

Squishing it in his hands!

A week or so into blw, he tried oranges for the first time....

and pear!

He loves banana!  He got a good grip on it by literally digging his fingers into the banana.

That foot!!

Moving on to the high chair that attaches to a regular chair... works great!

Toast... hmmmm.

bell pepper!

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