Monday 7 July 2014

Exploring County Cork, Ireland

May 2-3, 2014.

Fota Wildlife Park.  Carrigtwohill, county Cork.  Very cool wildlife park.  Only thing separating us from the animals were very thin electric wires!  Some animals were just roaming around and we were really able to get up close!

Lina's friend Knox.

Yelling to Isandro that he can NOT climb on it at the same time as her!

Lina, Knox, and Abrahm checking out the animals.

Up close and personal with some kangaroos!

We love muddy puddles!

So adorable, a mother duck with about 15 of her babies, just swimming around.

So cute seeing the nursing baby giraffe.

Barryscourt Castle, also in Carrigtwohill, county Cork.  Disappointed to get there and realize they're only open for tours in June and July!  Off to the next castle then!

We stayed the night in a town called Youghal, but we were prounouncing it all wrong... apparently it's pronounced like y'all! Woops (and you think the English language is tricky!)

Charles Fort in Kinsale.  Kids had a blast exploring this one!

Some cuties ready to eat their lunch!

I absolutely love the good ol' Irish pub/restaurant.  Especially when they look like this!  The Old Thatch was built in the 1600's I believe.  The Irish Stew there was delicious!

Lina and Knox being silly.

Lina and Isandro being silly.  A lot of silliness going on this weekend lol.

Our last stop of the weekend was Blarney Castle and Gardens.  So gorgeous!  I could've spent an entire day here... castle climbing, trail walking, gardens, and caves to explore.  Brave the narrow staircase with only a rope to hold onto to get to the top of the castle, where you can kiss the Blarney Stone.  Manuel didn't kiss the stone because he had Isandro attached to him in a carrier, and I was almost 9 months pregnant, so there was no way I was leaning over backwards and hanging over a ledge to kiss the stone!  Maybe next time... ;)

From the top of Blarney Castle.

On the way back down, a different staircase that actually had railing and not just a rope.  Much easier going down!

We thought this tree trunk looked like an elephant trunk.  :)

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