Monday 3 February 2014

January highlights...

Happy New Year!  Here are some pictures of the kids from the first month of the new year...

First family pic for 2014!  Happy New Year. :)

A little baseball lesson w/dada at Phoenix Park in Dublin.

Isandro was saying, "Hug?" as 
Manuel was leaving for work...

...then cried when his dada left.  :'(

These two LOVE dough!

Love his handsome smile.

He likes to relax with sister.

Feeling pensive about what he's going to draw next.  ;)

Doing crafts (making a mess) with Lina.

He LOVES getting on the step stool any chance he gets.  
He says, "Deh dooh!"

Playing with stuff in the sink...

Had some friends over for dinner and it was so funny
to see Isandro with 8-week old Claire.  So precious.  He was very 
gentle, and very, very curious!  I think he'll be a great big brother.

My helpful little man, cleaning away!

Best buddies.

Helping me in the kitchen again. 

So hilarious... these two had fun riding on Manuel's legs!

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