Wednesday 7 December 2016

Petra, Jordan

Our day started out bright and early... Petra, Jordan, here we come!

Jowanka and I on our way...

About to cross the Israel/Jordan border.  Then get stopped by the creepy border guys for no reason.

First stop in Jordan to take a potty break (after having to go through the gift shop, what a coincidence).
We made it!  Selfie in front of the Treasury

Must use selfie stick to prove we were here!

Okay now for camera photos...

Beginning our walk through the main trail.

Bab Al Siq

About to enter The Siq, the narrow gorge that leads visitors into Petra.  The gorge is from a natural splitting of the mountain and is 1.2 km long. 

The Treasury, the first major sight after walking through the Siq.  Almost 40 meters high, probably constructed in the 1st century BC.

The Theatre, the only one in the world carved into rock.

The Royal Tombs

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