Wednesday 14 December 2016

Isandro learns to ride his bike!

Lately, Isandro has been adamant that he was going to wait until he turns five to learn to ride his bike.  Well, he must've changed his mind, because he decided today was the day!  He got it pretty much right away!

Christmas Tree Prep

Even though we're spending Christmas in the states, we still have a couple weeks in Israel where we wanted to be able to enjoy the tree and lights, so we got out our fake tree after Thanksgiving and the kids did a great job helping to put it together!

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Exploring Eilat, Israel

For Thankgsiving, we traded in our typical American tradition of turkey, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie, for a weekend exploring the most southern point of Israel... Eilat.  This is also a common location to cross the border into Jordan to visit the ancient city of Petra.  We drove down on Thursday, and on Friday my friend and I did a tour to Petra while the kids stayed in Eilat with the dads.  When I was gone for the day, Manuel took them to Eilat's Coral World Underwater Observatory aquarium.  I actually think Petra would have been a great place to explore with the kids, but way too much for them to do in one day.  The previous post is of my day tour to Petra.  In Eilat, we ate at some delicious restaurants and did some great hiking!

Saw a ton of these signs on our drive through the desert to Eilat.  We did not see ONE camel!

We needed to take a break about 3 hours into the 4 hour drive.  It was much needed, and a great break for the kids.

Saturday morning we ate breakfast at Cafe Cafe inside of Dan Hotel and then admired the beach for a few minutes.

We had the most amazing day hiking Red Canyon. 

At this point we didn't realize how amazing and challenging the hike would become.  Here we were, ten minutes in and they can't help but to climb everywhere! 

Now it's really getting exciting!

Yes we walked through that!

There were about four of these metal ladders for areas that were extremely steep.  The kids did so awesome and I'm so proud of them!  They were nervous and excited, but took their time and were so proud of themselves!

Wow, intense!  We walked all the way through the canyons that you see in this picture, with lots of jumping, climbing, ladders for the extremely steep parts (like in the previous picture), and then had to do some pretty insane maneuvering by holding onto metal handles that were on the side of the vertical rocks (did I say it was insane yet?  I probably would've fallen to my death if I'd dared to take any pics, so no pics of that part) so that we could loop around and walk back.  This picture is right after we did the hardest part of the hike.  I am so proud that the kids gave it their all and conquered it, even though it was a bit nerve-wracking at times!

Hot tub break back at our place.  Lina and Isandro couldn't get enough of it!

Eilat's musical fountain show.  It was really neat and the kids enjoyed running around in the grass!

Dolphin Reef

Last stop of the weekend before heading home: Timna Park.  Lina doing her thing at Spiral Hill.

"Mushroom and a half"

Mushroom Rock

Climbing near The Arches

She looks like a tiny little ant!

Up she goes!

Looks like I should've set the timer for 20 seconds instead of 10. :)

At the end of exploring Timna Park, the kids got to make their own bottle of layered sand.

A great ending to a great weekend!