Friday 19 August 2016

A friend in town...

An old friend of mine, Brandy, spends her summers traveling the world.  I haven't seen her in over 15 years.  We've known each other since elementary school, so it was great to be able to see her on one of her "free" days during her travels.  We met up in Tel Aviv and explored Carmel Market together.

Brandy ordering a smoothie before entering Carmel Market

So many goodies!

These quesadillas were delicioso!

Crowded Carmel Market!

We weren't fans of this wiggly jiggly "dessert". 

Trinkets and do-dads at the arts & crafts fair.

This lady at the arts & crafts fair hand draws and colors these pictures.  You could tell also by looking at the back of the paper and seeing the ink that bled through.  

Brandy had some decisions to make!

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