Friday 4 September 2015

Weekend in Cali

Irvine Railroad Park... about 30 degrees cooler than AZ, I'll take it!

Benicio was pointing to the pony, so we decided we'd try to get him on one...

Here he is.  He wasn't too sure about it. 

I think he liked the train ride better. :)

Isandro gives the train a thumbs up!

Dada and his boys.

Lina listening intently to her dad talk about bike safety.

This was only her 3rd or 4th time on her bike without training wheels... she is doing awesome!

Isandro gliding along, too...

Manuel in the pool with Lina and Isandro at the place we were staying.

Always great to see "uncle" Aaron.  The kids loved the tortoise, Soup.

 Benicio took a tomato from Soup's lunch to eat for himself.

Benicio talking to Nitzy.

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